The first Shaping health project gathered evidence and built dialogue, networking and learning in 2016-2017 on promising practices in and models of community participation, power and decision-making in health systems in high-, middle- and low- income countries. Thanks to members of the country case study teams in all the US and case study sites, shown on the links page, and all who participated in the work and the design of this site. 

The project on 'Fostering policy support for family and child-health and wellbeing (FCHW)- learning from international experience' gathered and shared evidence on the actors and processes that have stimulated policy change in FCHW. Many thanks to the focal persons and key informants who made a significant contribution from their experience to the case studies, and to the technical and other personnel involved in the project at TARSC, University of Aberdeen and more widely .       


Support for both areas of research was provided by a grant awarded by Charities Aid Foundation of America from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Global Ideas Fund.

The views expressed on the website do not necessarily reflect the views of CAF America or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.